Optimized solutions for every application.
Utilizing a set of standard components Techneo design optimized solutions for every application. Even in the common case where a folding arm or trolley mounted arm is the best configuration, there is much to be gained on customer specific adoptions. The tool holder is one such area where Techneos great experience is crucial in developing efficient solutions. Another example is the integration of customer specific equipment. Attachment of the unit to the customers structure is also an important aspect where our design flexibility will facilitate the overall application.
Below is but a small selection of what we are able to offer. Due to our readiness to develop and modify our designs, the possibilities are practically endless.
Folding arms
Arguably the most common configuration. Techneo regularly offer folding arms up to a torque load of 4000Nm, but just about all torque loads are possible. They are all FEM-optimized to guarantee high structural stiffness in combination with minimized mass. Designing the outer parallel motion part with the members within each other, an original Techneo feature, makes for a very compact outer structure. This makes possible applications where the space is limited.
Attachment of the unit can be on a pillar, wall mounted, moveable (heavy-pallet mount), or custom designed.
Trolley arm
The Techneo trolley arm is compact and lightweight. In the same way as the folding arms, they are FEM-optimized for stiffness and low moving mass. The standard range is comprized of two sizes; 400Nm and 1200Nm. Custom design and other torque ratings are of course possible.
The telescopes can be pneumatically balanced, or balanced by a standard spring balancer. Structurally compact and stiff, they can have ends equipped with ball or cardan joints (rotationally stiff around the vertical axis). The telescopes may also be equipped with a brake to check the rotation around the vertical axis.
The philosophy of Techneo to readily adopt its products according to the customers need in effect makes just about anything possible. We have delivered a host of custom designs. Put us to the challenge, we will most likely surprise you!
Tool holders and tool fixtures
We consider the tool holder as an integrated part of the application. We have great experience in designing tool holders for the most demanding applications. Fixed, swivelling, variable CC, multi axis… Whatever the challenge we will develop a suitable design.